GoodGuys Tires CCPA Request

California Residents may use this form to exercise their CCPA rights: opt-out of sale; access your information; and delete your information.

If you are a California resident and you want to submit a request to Good Guys Tires under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), please fill out the webform below. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.* We will contact you at the email or phone number you include below if we have questions regarding your request.

Our Privacy Practices: For general information about how we handle personal information of California residents, please visit our Online Privacy Policy.

Sale: Good Guys Tires does not sell, rent or share your information to or with third parties for monetary gain or other valuable consideration. Good Guys Tires does share your information with a third party marketing company in order to provide you with targeted advertising.  For more information, please see Good Guys Tires Online Privacy Policy and California residents’ ability to opt out of this sharing.

Agents: If you are an agent submitting a request, please complete this form, print out a copy, and email the form along with your power of attorney or notarized authorization from the California consumer to us at [email protected]. We may contact the California consumer to verify their California residence and your authority and/or to authenticate the California consumer.

Additional Questions: If you have questions about this webform, please contact us at [email protected]. If you do not wish to use this webform, you can submit your request by calling us at 877-201-6586.

State / Province / Region
Please indicate ;your relationship with GB Auto:(Required)
Please specijfy your request:(Required)
We will send an automated acknowledgment of your request. If you do not receive confirmation of your request, please resubmit your form or contact us. After verifying your identity, we will process your request. If you have requested a copy of your information, we will provide that data via email. Access and deletion requests may take up to 45 days to process.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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